小松 PC110-8M0 挖掘机 小松 PC130-7 挖掘机 No. 24119-2

小松 120-8 挖掘机 No: 24119-1

  • 斗容/功率:72.1Kw/0.5
  • 工作时间:≥516 小时
  • 商品品牌:小松
  • 商品库存: 1
  • 价格/报价:面议或电询
  • 本市场购买小松 120-8 挖掘机 No: 24119-1,全国免费送货
  • 商品点击数:4157
  • 用户评价:comment rank 5
  • 将此商品先收藏


Komatsu PC120-8 second-hand small and medium-sized hydraulic excavator (crawler) is a mainstream model with a working time of 516 hours, a new appearance, and good overall machine test performance.

The Komatsu PC120-8 excavator is equipped with a powerful engine and advanced hydraulic system to provide excellent working performance and efficient operating capabilities.
