二手沃尔沃 EC380D 挖掘机 | No. 24531-9 used 沃尔沃 290 挖掘机 No. 24229-3

二手沃尔沃 EC460B 挖掘机| No.24531-8

  • 斗容/功率:2.2
  • 工作时间:≥1800 小时
  • 商品品牌:沃尔沃
  • 商品库存: 1
  • 价格/报价:面议或电询
  • 本市场购买二手沃尔沃 EC460B 挖掘机| No.24531-8,全国免费送货
  • 商品点击数:4157
  • 用户评价:comment rank 5
  • 将此商品先收藏


China Tiedou Used Volvo EC460B Excavator| No. 24531-8

If you are looking for performance and high quality, then you need to pay special attention to this Volvo 460, especially for users who are considering large excavators. The performance of this equipment is very good. We carry out comprehensive maintenance on this excavator, replace the engine oil and three filters, replace the excavator lubricating oil and hydraulic oil. Volvo 460 weighs 46 tons and is a big guy. Its flexible movements and fast sensitivity make it feel like it is not a big excavator.
